Hope and Sensibility Kindle Countdown Deal

Earlier this year, two of my books were featured as Amazon Kindle Countdown Deals. What fun that was. Now it's time for another exclusive deal. 

Here's how it works. Hope and Sensibility will be available for $1.99 through September 6th Then the price will increase to $2.99 for the next five days before returning to normal.

What a fine opportunity to add Book 3 of the Darcy and the Young Knight's Quest Series to your Kindle, your smartphone, your tablet, or your computer. 

In case you haven't read and enjoyed He Taught Me to Hope, it too will be specially priced during the Hope and Sensibility Countdown.

Hurry! The countdown is on. 

Grab the long-awaited sequel to He Taught Me to Hope during today's Kindle Countdown Deal! http://bit.ly/HopeandSensibility #JaneAusten
