Austen Admirers, Start Spreading the News!

Hello, Everyone!  My name is Angie Kroll, and I'm the techie Janeite behind the Austen Admirers Kickstarter Campaign.  To find out how I became a fan of Jane Austen, please visit Mary Simonsen's blog and Darcyholic Diversions.  Today, I want to go into more detail about Kickstarter, how it works, and why I'm using it for Austen Admirers.  

Kickstarter is a website that was formed in 2009 to fund creative projects. If you go to, you can see all sorts of projects from novels, films, web series, etc. that people post to see if they can get outside help funding their dreams. The key is that what your venture must have a creative value

The Austen Admirers Kickstarter Campaign had to meet all Kickstarter's requirements in order to go live.  Jane Austen lovers accessing their favorite blogs and authors in a smartphone app fit the criteria!  Also of note, whatever you raise in Kickstarter funds, 5% goes to and 5% goes to who handles all of the monetary issues for them.
What happens if I cannot meet my funding goal?  Kickstarter works is through all or nothing pledges. If I cannot make my goal, then no one pays anything - even if they have already pledged. I'm only out my time invested in the project, and those who have backed the project are out nothing.  Would you like to know more?  Check out's FAQ for stats. 

To help raise funds, Kickstarter recommends a pledge structure much like PBS does when they have their drive. Each level includes incentives or 'thank yous' to those that have pledged to support the project.  For the supporters of Austen Admirers, those levels are:

Pledge of $1 or more - You will receive a heart-filled 'thank you from @AustenAdmirers via Twitter
Pledge of $5 or more - Receive a personalized Social Media Calling Card (SMCC) on Twitter and Facebook thanking you for your support and an Austen Admirers bookmark in the mail.
Pledge of $15 or more - Receive twenty printed SMCC, and an Austen Admirers bookmark mailed to you, along with your digital SMCC. (add $2 shipping outside of U.S.)
Pledge of $25 or more - Receive a $5 Amazon Gift Card and a personalized SMCC
Pledge of $50 or more - Receive one box of Bingley’s Teas ($11.95), twenty printed SMCC, and an Austen Admirers bookmark mailed to you, along with your digital SMCC.
Pledge of $100 or more - Receive one year’s individual U.S. membership to JASNA ($30), twenty printed SMCC, and an Austen Admirers bookmark mailed to you, along with your digital SMCC.
Pledge of $500 or more - Receive two boxes of Bingley’s Teas ($11.95 each), one Jane Austen Couples and You - 8x10 Personalized Wall Decor ($12.99), one year’s individual U.S. membership to JASNA ($30), twenty printed SMCC, and an Austen Admirers bookmark mailed to you, along with your digital SMCC.
Pledge of $1000 or more - Receive one lifetime U.S. membership to JASNA ($350), two boxes of Bingley’s Teas ($11.95 each), one Jane Austen Couples and You - 8x10 Personalized Wall Decor ($12.99), twenty printed SMCC, and Austen Admirers bookmark in the mail, along with your digital SMCC.

How can you support Austen Admirers?  For now, I need your help getting the word out.  Tweet, Share, Email - send the news by post!  Would you like to know more?  Please check out the Kickstarter Campaign site, Like us on Facebook at, Follow on Twitter @AustenAuthors or @AngieKroll, or contact me directly at adkroll95 (at) gmail(dot)com.

Thank you to P.O. Dixon, the Duchess of Diversion for asking me to guest post on your blog today!


  1. Thank you, Angie, for guest posting here. I am so excited about the Austen Admirers app and I am happy to do all I can to help spread the news.

    I just love the calling card you created for me. :-)

    I hope everyone will want to see their name paired with Duchess, Lord, Lady and the like. What a fun and entertaining idea.

    I'm always impressed by your creativity. I know the Austen Admirers app will be amazing.

    Best Wishes for a successful campaign.

  2. Thank you very much for asking me to guest post on your blog today. You truly are the 'Duchess of Diversion!'

  3. Great post! I hope you get all the funding you need, Angie! This is such a wonderful idea and will be very handy. :)
    Love your calling card, P O!

    1. Thanks, Jakki! I can't believe you have the energy to read blog posts. You must be superwoman!

    2. Lol! Not superwoman, just wanting something to do while either feeding the baby or letting her sleep on my chest. The iPad is great right now! ;)

  4. Hi Angie. I wish I had been as clever as P.O. Dixon on my card! Next go 'round. This is a wonderful project for everyone who loves Austen.

  5. I love alliteration. Dixon the Duchess of Diversion - she's great! Thanks for all of your support with this project, Mary. Truly appreciate it.


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